Jury Service Text and Email Alerts
Were you recently sent a Jury Summons or Juror Qualification Questionnaire?
To subscribe to text and email alerting features for Jury service in NYS, you must have your summons or questionnaire. Your unique Juror Index Number is included on these documents and you will need them to sign up for these alerts.
Index Number on Juror Summons:
Index Number on Juror Qualification Questionnaire:
If you would like to receive relevant text and/or email alerts with reporting instructions, or any emergency messages related to upcoming jury service follow the steps below:
1. Go to the Notification Signup Form
2. Enter your index number and three letters of your last name when prompted
3. Select the ‘Update Contact Info’ button to enter your mobile phone number and email address.
You will receive a verification email or text prior to receiving messages from the Commissioner of Jurors.
The Commissioner of Jurors in your local county may or may not elect to use these features in advance of or during your jury service.